Beautiful Jodelle News - Unspoken HD screencaps of Jodelle Ferland

The movie The Unspoken that Jodelle was in was released today in United States and is a limited run for theaters but if you not near a theater showing the movie can also rent/purchase it from providers such as Vudu, iTunes and Amazon Instant Video. Perfect movie to check out with Halloween just couple days away. I have also added HD screencaps of Jodelle to the gallery which can be viewed in The Unspoken HD Screencaps album.  The source was 1080 but was letterboxed so the images were cropped to remove the black bars that were on the top and bottom.

Jodelle Ferland - The Unspoken HD Screencap 37  Jodelle Ferland - The Unspoken HD Screencap 99  Jodelle Ferland - The Unspoken HD Screencap 134

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